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September 23, 2010
ever wondered what a glassy and shiny looking windows Vista/XP would look like if used 24-7 under some rather rough and ruthless circumstances for many months? well, Broken Aero ver 1.1 by ~GucalovPavel is a very intelligent and hillarious theme to mimic just that. wonderful idea and realization.
Featured by OtisBee
GucalovPavel's avatar

Broken Aero ver 1.1



Broken Aero is a first project of SkinDex group.
and want to say thanks to all active members of communities, who help in creating of this theme.
Thanks for help to Dynamite.

This suite imitate Aero interface but after very long and not very carefully using….
Everything is scratched, cracked and rubbed
In spite of much cracks and scratches, theme is light and clean.
There is some cool animations too.

Important note for those who will be use this WB on Windows XP
Theme include 2 substyles
First for systems with 48 pixel icons (large windows icons)
and Second for systems with 32 pixel icon (small windows icons)

Please don’t forget comment it…
Good or Bad comments, is very important.
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xSBZx's avatar
Still works with a few glitches on Windows 8.1, Would be great with a button fix for firefox and Google Chrome as it is not in line correctly + no menu themed as I use Start8, This is my favo theme and great work on it, To me your an Master Skin creator man. Would love it updated for Windows 8.1 but I do understand if not possible but many thanX for this great theme anyhow :)